What Is An Nnn Agreement

Respect the Non-Disclosure, Non-Use and Non-Circumvention Agreement (NNN) If Chinese manufacturers can copy cars like Tesla, their website, etc., what prevents them from copying your gadget or intellectual property, which may still be in its infancy? We concluded this post with the promise in «the following posts.. [to] explain what exactly foreign companies should do to protect their intellectual property. Consider this first part of our articles, which describes exactly what foreign companies should (and should not) do to protect their intellectual property in China. If you include a clause in your NNN agreement that provides for arbitration, the Chinese manufacturer will most likely advocate arbitration, claiming that the Chinese court is not allowed to rule on your case without both parties having gone through arbitration. Most importantly, the Chinese judge must order a translation of your agreement if your NNN agreement is to be enforced in a Chinese court but is not in Chinese. It will likely cost less than 20% of what you would pay if you: If you don`t speak or read Chinese at all, you can request a translation copy of the Chinese NNN agreement into your preferred language from your lawyer. Non-disclosure agreements are designed to protect a company`s trade secrets from public mention. Nothing more. Your China NNN agreement must be written in such a way that your Chinese counterpart is really afraid of violating it. .